Sometimes the obvious isn’t obvious. Last week I dropped into my regular City centre Farmers Market and, on seeing a laden bread stall, impulsively decided that I needed some sourdough. ‘If this is tasty, I’ll look out for some more from these people‘ I thought, and I looked to see who they were. However, they were committing the three deadly Marketing sins:
- They had NO SIGNAGE, banners, boards, labels or anything displaying their company name (let alone where they were from).
- They offered no information as to what the varieties of breads were or why they might be special
- They gave no reference as to where I may find them outside the Farmers Market, at other venues or outlets, or takeaway contact details.
And when I asked for info of the above, the reply I received was ‘We’ve been at this market for 18 months, everyone knows who we are!’
Ney, I jest not. And I still don’t know who they are, even though the bread was delicious. Let’s hope I don’t mistake them for a company I do know who might then benefit from my recommendation.
Yes, this does happen – no matter how small your business, even if you just want word-of-mouth people will need to know who you are, so please MAKE IT OBVIOUS !!!
Marketing doesn’t need to be complicated.